Assistance Documentation & Forms
Roles and Responsibilities
- Shared Research Roles and Responsibilities: Contains information regarding the responsibilities of key personnel associated to sponsored programs.
- DRA Assignment List by School/College and Department
- ACR for Grants Report: Provides budgeted and expended summary data with balance available.
- TDR for Grants Report: Provides detail activity. It contains individual transactional detail for the budget transfers, requisitions, purchase orders, vouchers, expense reports, salary encumbrances, salary actuals, and journal entries for standard charges (PCard, Pitney Bowes, BOC) and allocations (Fringe Benefits, Plant Maintenance, F&A)
- Grant Balance Summary Available Report: A timely formatted summary balance available report with subtotals and totals.
For PS Financials login link please go to:
BC Grant Policies & Practices
- Award Set‐up Process: A document outlining the general guidelines for OSP Awards.
- Budget Transfer Checklist: A document that provides a quick checklist to help the principal investigator and department administrator with preparing accurate budget transfers.
- Cost Allocation Methodologies: A document that provides guidance on how costs may be allocated to sponsored awards in proportion to the actual benefit received by the award.
- Guidelines for Time and Effort for Deans: General guidelines on appropriate grant effort allocations for both Deans and Associate Deans
- One-Sixth Rule: A document that explains the guidelines of a faculty buyout.
- Pre-Award Costs: Guidelines on how to request pre-award costs on funded projects.
- NSF Prior Approval Matrix: Provides information by federal agency on which administrative actions require prior approval.
- Summer Salary: Guidelines for processing summer salary. (Training Video)
Proposal Forms:
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for Sponsored Projects
- Export Control Checklist
- Proposal Preparation Checklist
Award Management Forms:
- Advance Account Request Form
- Authorized Signature Form
- 51x-Budget Template
- Department Closeout Checklist
- Cost Sharing Approval Form and Cost Share Guidance
- Cost Transfer Request Form
- Cost Transfer Additional Information
- Cost Transfer Training Video
- Departing Faculty Checklist
- Information Technology Device Justification
- Labor Redistribution Request Form
- Labor Redistribution Additional Information
- Tuition Remission Form
Subcontract Forms:
- Subaward Checklist
- Subrecipient Commitment Form
- Departmental Subaward Initiation Request Form
- Subaward PO and Invoice Payment Guidance
- Departmental Subaward Modification Request Form
- Subrecipient Invoice Checklist
- Subrecipient Monitoring Checklist
- Subrecipient Invoice Process Workflow
- Subrecipient Profile Questionnaire
- Subaward Closeout Form
- The Boston College Institutional Review Board (BC IRB) has created a new set of forms for use by those involving human participants in their research programs. The new protocol application form is currently available and should be used effective immediately. Please visit the IRB Forms page for updated forms and information.
- Boston College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - IACUC forms